Sunday, April 13, 2008

This weekend has been lovely. Shane and I made our way to Amherst on Saturday and took some family portraits of Gwen and her family! Here are a few of those shots. Friday night held Hamburgers and bowling.. while today we went and watched "Smart People." I loved it. Hope everyone's weekends were refreshing!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

My first attempt at Panoramic's. Not the most exciting subject, but this has been home for the last 8 months or so. Today was a beautiful day, the thermometer in the Jeep said it was 68 degrees outside. Finally, life will be brought back to this place. Winter was long. 

Hey ya'll! Thought I'd get a blog going so I can update you on what I am working on! To see my work come check out my site at! Here is my most recent work, taken night before last. It was an idea for my portfolio requirement "conceptual still life." Let me know what you think.